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**Please do not mix rolled and folded posters in the same order as they have to be posted separately
(Place one order for folded posters/flat items such as lobby cards and a separate order for Rolled Posters)

This title is listed under the following categories:
UK Quad Posters
Gay / Lesbian Interest Posters
Romance Posters
World Cinema Posters



Original Quad Poster - Film Poster - Movie Poster - Cinema Poster

Size : 22½ x 38 Inches / 72.5 x 97cm approx. (BRITISH QUAD POSTER)

YEAR : 1983
Director : John Sayles

Cast Info:

Linda Griffiths, Jane Hallaren, Jon Devries, Jo Henderson, Jessica Macdonald, Jesse Solomon, John Sayles, Stephen Mendillo, Betsy Julia Robinson, Nancy Mette, Maggie Renzi, Madelyn Coleman, Jon DeVries


Printed on slightly smaller stock than a regular quad but all copies I have had have been the size so it must have been the size of the print run (the paper is also quite thin / magazine quality), tiny light mark near the bottom of the right edge (again this has on every copy I never had), extremely tiny edge tear and a tiny crease on the bottom edge, Otherwise Excellent!

Double Sided :


Rolled or Folded :


Price: £15.00